Tips for tenants

Key Responsibilities

Once you have gained possession of a property the tenancy responsibility rests with you.

It is important that you always pay the rent on time. You should also make payment even if you're unhappy about something to do with the property. Come talk with us as soon as you have an issue; big or small, we will hear you out!  

Keep the property clean and tidy during the tenancy. It doesn’t need to look perfect, and we won’t pull you up on not drying the dishes, but it does need to be reasonable. We will complete routine inspections during your stay.

Let your Property Manager know if something needs to be fixed, is faulty or is starting to deteriorate. It is your responsibility to let us know about any problems at the property. The quicker we know about it, the faster we can find a solution.

When you move out make sure the property is completely clear of everything you own and it is left clean and tidy.  Remove all rubbish and give all the keys back to the landlord. See our guide for exiting the tenancy and what is the difference between ‘fair wear and tear’ and damage, and who is responsible.

Lastly, the landlord owns the property, but while you rent it, it is your home.  This means the landlord has to respect your peace and privacy. We hope you enjoy your time staying with the team at The Landlords Collective.

What is Fair Wear and Tear?

Who is responsible?

One of the most common problems faced at the end of a tenancy is, what defines fair wear and tear as opposed to damage… and who is responsible. 

While factors such as the length of tenancy, type of property and number of occupants can have an impact on the guidance notes; we have found the following table of information to be a useful benchmark in most cases.

For more information on this topic and to read the full article prepared by and credited to Aratohu Tenant Advocacy, please follow the link below.